A2 Music Video

Group planning

You are now working much more closely as a group - give yourselves targets for the end of each lesson and take responsibility for completing those tasks to the best of your ability. Aim to complete your initial filming by half term with re-shoots and pickups just after. 
  • research constantly similar products - digipaks, websites and videos of the same genre
  • similar costumes and locations research
  • photo shoots of artists - various costumes and locations
  • band font brand research
  • start twitter and facebook accounts 
  • storyboard
  • production diary (under one blog post which keeps getting updated)
  • steal-o-matic
  • timeline of annotated lyrics
  • begin digipak and website design
  • student music video marking - what gets a level 4 and why
  • letter to artist requesting permission
  • evidence of filming - upload any good or bad footage with reflection
  • shooting schedules/risk assessments
  • shooting obstacles and how to overcome them brainstorm
  • props and location list          
  • Evidence of constant discussion, reflection uploaded onto blogs